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What our Pet experts can do for you
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Unlimited Chats with a Vet
Unlimited chats for only $5. Connect with a verified vet in minutes. No waiting for appointments. No high fees. Just peace of mind. A team of vets is on call for you and your family 24/7. Even on holidays.
Care Plan & Treatment
Accidental ingestion, injury, adverse drug reactions and more: our network of vets can answer your questions now AND advise the best possible course of action.
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Wide Range Of Animals
A wide range of animals treated from Dogs and Cats to Pigs and Horses, even Exotic Pets and reptile experts are available 24/7 – 365
Bruce L
Exotic Pets, Farm Animals
Every day, I get the opportunity to interact with pet owners and help them with dozens of unique questions.
Linda G
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
I give customers my time, experience, and my heart, as there are critical medical issues that require a little hand holding.
Rebecca T
Dogs, Cats, Household Pets
With over 34 years of experience as a clinical veterinarian, I only give customers facts and professional advice.